Psychedelic Integration 101
Psychedelic integration is a process by which a person endeavors to integrate their experiences on psychedelics, often with the help of a coach. Sessions are for those who have taken psychedelics, received visions, messages or insights, and need help determining their meaning and integrating their experience. A nonjudgmental space or approach is brought to the table in helping a client make sense of what they went through and to incorporate the lessons learned into their daily lives. Many believe a psychedelic experience in and of itself is healing, and that can give the process of integration more meaning. Psychedelic integration is important to ensure a person can learn from their experience and avoid repeating past mistakes or prolonging whatever issue they were suffering from. A psychedelic integration session can also occur before psychedelics are taken, when advice is given to prevent harm and to properly prepare – also known as set and setting.
Intention is everything in life. It helps clear the way to realize our goals and keeps us focused. It is doubly important when it comes to taking a psychedelic substance. Having a clear intention before an experience can put you in the right mindset and make your experience a more therapeutic one. To prepare properly for a psychedelic journey, set and setting are critical.
Set refers to the mindset of the individual: any personal beliefs, hopes, fears or expectations a person may have that can influence their experience. It refers to a state of mind, which will in large part determine your experience. A good way to have the right mindset is to educate yourself beforehand, to eat properly and to prepare with meditation practice in the days or weeks leading up to it. It also helps to arrange for time off afterward.
Setting is the environment in which the psychedelic experience takes place and can help to crystallize intention. The space should be private, quiet, safe, relaxing, and comfortable without having to worry about any interruptions. The space can include musical instruments, yoga mats, a playlist with appropriate music and headphones, eye masks, blankets, and a comfy spot to lay down, if need be, such as a bed or a reclinable couch. If one is partaking in this journey outside in nature, most of these factors can still apply.
Psychedelic integration is there to support those individuals who independently choose to take psychedelics and need help making sense of their experiences. A coach makes them feel understood and shares a special kinship with them as they know that coach has firsthand experience with psychedelics and direct experience with integration. Integration can include processing positive insights into daily practice or learning from challenging or scary experiences. Whatever the situation, safety and support are prioritized in this relationship.
Perhaps a person receives a message to spend more time with their family, or to be more loving toward a partner. Perhaps they are told they must take care of themselves more.
Integration in these cases would mean implementing plans or actionable steps to make these things happen. A coach will help someone determine the best or more viable form these steps can take that work for this person in their life.
For something health related, integration can mean all kinds of things, depending on the situation, including a new exercise routine, re-organizing a day to find more time, or other forms of therapy such as meditation or yoga to a person’s schedule.
This depends entirely on the person taking the journey and their intentions on taking psychedelics in the first place. Sometimes integration can take years, some a lifetime and others fairly quickly. It really depends on what insights come up, how ready a person was to take their journey, and how motivated a person is to put in the work of integration after their experience. Because it does take a certain amount of work. A person must be willing to look honestly at themselves and at their lives. All this said, you cannot treat all threads of psychedelic integration the same. One may involve setting up an exercise routine and making it stick, a process that may take mere months. Another may be to find spiritual awakening or to be a better person – a process that is never-ending.